Der Erfinder von Lisp ist alleine deshalb für Bush, weil der nicht gegen ein Atommülllager ist: "In a Nevada speech, pandering to Nevada's bipartisan NIMBY opposition to nuclear waste storage site in Nevada, Kerry has promised that the Nevada site will be abandoned if he becomes President. This site has passed all the scientific criteria and is now in a Federal Court squabble about the Environmental impact statement. A judge has ruled that 10,000 years in the study is inadequate and 100,000 years must be studied.
I consider this position sufficient reason to prefer Bush over Kerry. Sometime in this century, the US is likely to face a choice between nuclear power and giving up individual transportation. It is important that there be some experience with new nuclear plants by that time. The other differences between Bush and Kerry are of much less importance, because other policies found to be faulty can be corrected more quickly." NUCLEAR NOW (20-Aug-2004)
Und von dem Mann trage ich gerade ein T-Shirt...
1 Kommentar:
Eher von Disrespekt. Einerseits ist sein Grund für die Unterstützung Bushs sympathisch eigenwillig, andererseits die Unterstützung von Atomkraft schlimmer noch als vieles andere.
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