Trying to get more personal every day.
Mittwoch, August 27, 2003
A list of Personal Information Manager Apps. I have seen most of these, but it is nice that someone put together a comprehensive list. (Check out nntp/rss, old school Net's revenge on this new article dissemination business.
Dienstag, August 26, 2003
Junge Informatiker: Bitte einmal Weltkonzern - UniSPIEGEL - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Herdentiere: Kaum der Anonymität der Hörsäale entkommen, zieht es die Absolventen zum Groß-Unternehmen"
Usability 101: the What, Why, and How of User-Centered Design (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox): "What is usability? How, when, and where can you improve it? Why should you care? This overview answers these basic questions."
Blumfeld: "Wir sind frei": "Die Träume enden in den Charts/Wem dienen Eure Lieder?/Ein Höhenflug und dann: Das war's./Die Erde hat euch wieder". Auf was genau bezieht er sich mit dem Charts-Kram?
He was on Jello's label. There you can also find some mp3s: Alternative Tentacles - Bands - Wesley Willis
Wesley Willis is dead: "For Wesley Willis fans, there will be no more head-butts." I've seen him once live as a support for the Goldene Zitronen in Vienna. Check out his song "Rock'n'Roll McDonalds". Or any other.
Montag, August 25, 2003
Talking about VI in Word: XKeymacs emulates Emacs keybindings in Windows applications (found via NTK). Trouble is: it doesn't emulate them all. So it sucks to not know beforehand if your key belongs to MS or the FSF (like the Brief emulation in VisualStudio). (Maybe it is just a configuration problem. I'll work on it.)
Samstag, August 23, 2003
The brave man Dr. Michael Mills is looking for a Research Assistant to write him a VI emulation for MS Word. Hope he finds one.
A paper from 1980 on little and big endianness with an analysis of number systems in that respect: On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace by Danny Cohen.
Freitag, August 22, 2003
Dienstag, August 19, 2003
"Unemployment would disappear from the face of the earth forever, for
consider the magnitude of the task of adapting the network’s software to all
the new generations of computer, coming closer and closer upon the heels
of their predecessors until the entire population of the world is caught up in
an infinite crescendo of on-line interactive debugging." Say Licklider and Taylor. In 1968.
consider the magnitude of the task of adapting the network’s software to all
the new generations of computer, coming closer and closer upon the heels
of their predecessors until the entire population of the world is caught up in
an infinite crescendo of on-line interactive debugging." Say Licklider and Taylor. In 1968.
Montag, August 18, 2003
I listened again to Renegades by Rage Against the Machine from 2000. Might be "the best cover ever made", though is doens't tell you anywhere on the album were the songs came from.
Freitag, August 15, 2003
Die Autorin dieses Artikels aus der Jungle World findet, dass es wieder Zeit für Morrissey wäre und hat sich daher alle Smiths-Alben nachgekauft.
Donnerstag, August 14, 2003
What I really like about the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 is the new pastel style for the icons and such. The rest still doesn't appeal to me.
Dienstag, August 12, 2003
Montag, August 11, 2003
Freitag, August 08, 2003
Spillsbury rocken, Elektropunk Mia-Style. Runtersaug- und Anspieltipp: Schlagzeile. (Via letzendlich Tonspion.)
This is a text on how to make your manager's life easier when you are a geek and therefore somewhat hard to manage. Might actually serve some self-managing purposes, too: Why do they keep yelling at me?
Donnerstag, August 07, 2003
Mittwoch, August 06, 2003
Dienstag, August 05, 2003
Montag, August 04, 2003
I've (speed-)read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami last week. Pretty cool. I liked the "Okada's world vs. Noboru Wataya's world" thing. Although the dark side is portraited too much as a mystery for me.
812248 - Disk Cleanup Tool Stops Responding While Compressing Old Files. At least it did to me. The "workaround" is to remove the registry entry which makes cleanmgr, the cute little program responsible for this cleaning business, virtually compress old files so that it can tell you how much that would save you. I never used that, anyway.
Ispell for Windows can be found here. I just extracted the archive to some directory and added that directory to the system's PATH variable. That alone made Flyspell for VIM mentioned before work on my Windows machine.
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