Trying to get more personal every day.
Mittwoch, Oktober 29, 2003
Montag, Oktober 27, 2003
Nice utility to start Java class files in the Windows explorer. (And in the Windows shell. And compile Java source files.) By Marco Tamanti.
Donnerstag, Oktober 23, 2003
So this seems to be Psychology Day. "Memory Morphing" sounds pretty spooky in this Independent article:
In a test by the cognitive psychologist Kathryn Braun-LaTour, a colleague of Zaltman's, participants were served an unpleasant-tasting orange drink spiked with salt and vinegar. They were then shown adverts suggesting the drink was refreshing. Sure enough, many of the participants later reported that they had found the drink refreshing.
Wie die deutsche Zigarettenindustrie die Idee des trojanischen Rohrkrepierers aus einem (sehr lustigen!) amerikanischen Lobbyistenroman in die Tat umsetzt, berichtet Telepolis.
Die Zeit 43 / 2003 - Paulus: Das vorletzte Wort: "So fällt die Strafe höher aus, wenn der Angeklagte arm, alt oder ungebildet ist, sein Anwalt bei Gericht wenig Ansehen genießt oder der Richter an die abschreckende Wirkung drastischer Urteile glaubt."
Mittwoch, Oktober 22, 2003
Chapter 25: Shell Programming: Iteration Statements: So in csh, "foreach" and "end" have to go on different lines. Hmm. (I wanted to list a bunch of zip files' contents under unix.)
Mittwoch, Oktober 08, 2003
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