Dienstag, Juli 29, 2003

This is so cool. Somebody is praising the exact Whole Earth Review (now Whole Earth Magazine) issue I have myself, #57 from 1987, with probably one of the first reports on Hypercard, articles on mail art, etc.

Freitag, Juli 25, 2003

"Die BahnCard 50 (2. Klasse) rechnet sich nur für Reisende, die mehr als 600 Euro im Jahr für Bahnfahren ausgeben." Sagt der Experte.
I got Vib Ribbon (fan page) for the PlayStation yesterday. (I bought it on Hood, a cheap auction house). No, I don't have a PlayStation. But we have a PS2 at work and played it there. Btw., the lovely tune from the website is also the tune for the first level.

Mittwoch, Juli 23, 2003

Dienstag, Juli 22, 2003

I am testing Robb's Law of Weblog Hosting: NEVER (under any circumstances) publish a weblog to a domain that you don't control. On the other hand: I don't have many backlinks yet. :-)
Critical book on Mother Theresa with a cute title.
I should really learn this CSS and DIV and SPAN stuff. Why not from Apple?
The first weblog software or something.
"The Grid" will not be the next big thing. Because most people don't have a need for batch processing, let alone distributed batch processing. Says Clay Shirky.
I am so glade I got the O'Reilly sed & awk Pocket Reference for 2€ in a local bookstore. But gee, I got the old edition! They must have changed so much in the new one.